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  1. How long does the feeling of fullness from the product last?

    Pocket Coco generally provides a sustained feeling of fullness for 4-6 hours. Mixing it with milk can enhance the feeling of fullness.

  2. Can the product be taken on an empty stomach? Should it be consumed before or after meals?

    Pocket Coco is a meal replacement and can be taken as breakfast.

  3. Can people with sensitive stomachs and gastrointestinal issues use this product?

    Yes, it is suitable for them.

  4. After taking the product, do you need to increase daily water intake?

    After taking the product, it is recommended to drink 2500 to 3500 milliliters of water per day. Drinking 3000 milliliters or more per day (depending on individual conditions) can help accelerate the body's metabolism. Drinking warm water can yield better results.

  5. Is it necessary to stop using the product during menstruation?

    It can be used during menstruation; there is no need to pause usage.

  6. Will there be a rebound effect if the product is discontinued?

    Pocket Coco is made from natural ingredients, and there will be no rebound effect when discontinued. To maintain your figure, you can continue to use it and control your diet while maintaining a good lifestyle.

  7. Is it necessary to control your diet or eat normally while using the product?

    You can eat normally.

  8. Can pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers use this product?

    Yes, they can.


  9. Are there any unhealthy conditions or diseases for which this product is not suitable? (Diabetes, hypertension, heart disease)

    It can be used for individuals with diabetes. Diabetics should be mindful of their daily sugar intake.

  10. What age group is this product suitable for?

    It is suitable for both children and adults.

  11. Are there any dietary restrictions when taking this product?

    There are no specific dietary restrictions. To maintain the effects of weight loss, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of spicy, high-oil, high-salt, and high-carb foods and drink warm water.

  12. Can this product be taken concurrently with other detox or meal replacement products?

    It is not recommended to take them simultaneously. It is best to take them at different times. Combining Pocket Coco with other SOM1 products can yield better results.

  13. What are the main ingredients of the product, and where do they come from?

    Grape seed extract, Oxxynea® (France), Neumentix™ (USA).

  14. Can the product be consumed with other foods? (Milk, soy milk, sparkling water)

    Yes, it can be consumed with low-fat milk or less sugar soy milk to increase the feeling of fullness.

  15. Under what conditions can the product deliver the best results? Is exercise required?

    Combining exercise, diet, and a good lifestyle will accelerate your progress toward your goals. Drinking warm water can boost your metabolism and aid in weight loss.

  16. What is the recommended daily dosage?

    You can take one to two packets of Pocket Coco per day.


17. What is the principle behind using this product for weight loss? (Pocket Coco/Cocomax/Orangeprox)

Pocket Coco contains abundant dietary fiber and vitamins. It not only increases your feeling of fullness but also boosts your metabolism. The extract of grape seeds in Pocket Coco has antioxidant properties, delaying the signs of aging. Oxxynea® helps improve metabolism, lower bad cholesterol, and prevent lipid oxidation. The antioxidant polyphenols in Neumentix™ promote the growth of brain cells and support brain functions known as working memory, thereby enhancing learning, information management, and response capabilities.


18. Why do you feel the urge to have a bowel movement after consuming Pocket Coco?

Feeling the urge to have a bowel movement after consuming Pocket Coco is normal because it contains an ingredient that prevents the absorption of fat. Therefore, Pocket Coco is not just a meal replacement; its effect may not be equally pronounced in everyone, as it prevents the absorption of fat, leading to its excretion.


19.Why does Pocket Coco have less protein but more sugar?

Our customer base is not primarily focused on physical activity. For customers who engage in sports or physical activity, high-protein products may be more suitable. Conversely, for customers who do not engage in regular physical activity, consuming high-protein products without exercise may lead to protein converting into calories, making it more challenging to lose weight. The sugar content in our product includes both artificial sweeteners and natural sugars, and it is below a certain percentage, making it a low-sugar product.


20.Are there any side effects of using the product?

Pocket Coco is a meal replacement designed to provide nutrition while aiding in weight loss, and it is generally considered safe to use.

21.What certifications have we obtained, and are they approved by Malaysian government regulatory bodies (NPRA/BKKM/SGS/GMP/HACCP)?

Cocomax is produced in a facility compliant with GMP, HACCP, ISO22000, and halal standards. Pocket Coco has undergone strict scrutiny and received certification from NPRA and BKKM, which are recognized by the Malaysian Ministry of Health.

22.How many days does it typically take to see results with regular use?

Usually, you can start seeing changes in about a week. Typically, a complete course lasts 2-3 months.


23.Special precautions for using the product

To achieve better results, try to adjust to a healthy lifestyle, including regulating your sleep patterns, consuming smaller portions, and avoiding overeating.


24.What sets our product apart in terms of USP/marketing (timing, ingredients, principles)?

Pocket Coco is a natural cocoa hazelnut meal replacement. It's not only convenient to carry but also contains only 134kcal per packet, allowing you to easily enjoy a meal while helping with weight loss. It enables you to consume nutrition even during busy times, increasing satiety and allowing you to multitask while managing your weight.


25.Does Pocket Coco use artificial sweeteners?

Yes, it contains approximately 45g of sugar per 100g, which is not more than 60g. These sugars include both artificial sweeteners and natural sugars. The company is currently conducting international tests, and the founders are expected to receive a report by mid-month, providing more accurate information regarding the sugar content.

