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SOM1 PCO FAQS (English Ver.)


  1. Why can't pregnant women take grape seed extract? What will happen if they consume PCO?

    Answer: PCO contains grape seed extract. If pregnant women consume it for an extended period, there is a possibility of miscarriage.

  2. If someone has uterine fibroids but the doctor says it's normal, can they still take OrangeProx?

    Answer: For any type of tumor, it is essential to consult a doctor's approval before taking CO.

  3. If someone has high blood pressure and has consulted a doctor who said it's okay, can they take OrangeProx?

    Answer: If a doctor approves, they can take OrangeProx. Start with half the recommended dosage for the first three days and gradually increase to the full dosage.

  4. If someone starts their period two days after taking CO, will it affect the effectiveness of the product they took before?

    Answer: It won't affect the effectiveness.

  5. At what age should children start taking PocketCoco (PCO)?

    Answer: Children can start taking PCO at the age of four or above. However, they should only consume a small amount and not use it as a complete meal replacement. PCO contains an ingredient that prevents the absorption of fats, and young children's digestive systems are sensitive, so it's not recommended to consume the full dosage. It is suitable for individuals aged 15 and above to consume the full dosage. Cocomax and OrangeProx are recommended for those aged 18 and above.

  6. Can individuals with uterine fibroids take PCO or CO?

    Answer: They cannot take CO, but they can take P.


  1. Why is it not recommended to take CO for individuals with diabetes?

    Answer: It is not recommended for individuals with any of the three "highs" (high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar) who are taking medication unless they have consulted with a doctor and received approval.

  2. Can individuals who are sensitive to mangoes consume Cocomax? A customer mentioned that it makes her very active.

    Answer: If a customer is severely allergic to mangoes, it is not recommended for her to consume it.

  3. Can someone with hepatitis who is on long-term medication use meal replacement products for detoxification?

    Answer: Hepatitis is a serious condition, so it is not recommended to use such products.

  4. Can individuals who are taking blood thinners use PCO?

    Answer: No, they cannot.

  5. During menstruation, do you only need to stop taking Orangeprox? Can you continue taking Cocomax?

    Answer: For Cocomax, it is generally recommended to resume use after menstruation or on the 3rd to 4th day of the menstrual cycle when the menstrual flow is lighter. During menstruation, the body undergoes detoxification, and taking weight loss products at this time may cause the products to be treated as toxins and excreted from the body, resulting in little to no effect. It is advisable to use Orangeprox after menstruation because menstruation is a natural time for the female body to detoxify. If the customer does not experience diarrhea during menstruation, they can continue using Orangeprox.

  6. Does PCO contain hormonal ingredients?

    Answer: PCO does not contain hormonal ingredients.

  7. What happens if someone consumes more than three packets of PCO in a day?

    Answer: You can consume up to three packets in a day, but exceeding this limit may overload the body, leading to discomfort.

  8. If someone has had their gallbladder removed, can they still take PCO?

    Answer: If the doctor confirms that they have fully recovered and do not require any medication, they can take PCO.

  9. Can individuals with lactose intolerance use PCO?

    Answer: They can use CO, but they should avoid using PCO because it contains skim milk ingredients. (If the customer's lactose intolerance is not severe, they can try it because the amount of skim milk in PCO is minimal.)

  1. If a customer has been experiencing abdominal pain even after taking Orangeprox for a month, how can they improve this?

    Answer: You can advise the customer to reduce the dosage of Orangeprox, drink more warm water, and consume more vegetables and fruits to alleviate the discomfort.

  2. If someone with hyperthyroidism has consumed 8 boxes of CO without any issues, can they continue using it?

    Answer: No, it is not advisable to continue using it.

  3. If a customer experiences a rapid heartbeat and a feeling of weakness after consuming CO, how can this be resolved?

    Answer: Adjust the dosage of CO according to the customer's body condition and tolerance to alleviate these symptoms.


