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SOSM Day Booster FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)


  1. Is it normal to feel tired and sleepy after taking the product? Why?

It depends on individual body conditions. Feeling tired and sleepy is due to SOSM Day Booster regulating the body's metabolism.

  1. How long does the feeling of fullness from the product last?

SOSM Day Booster generally provides a feeling of fullness for 4-6 hours, helping reduce appetite for the next meal.

  1. Can the dosage of the product be adjusted based on individual circumstances, such as taking half a tablet?

Yes, it can be adjusted. For beginners, you can start with half a tablet for the first five days before gradually increasing.

  1. In what situations would one need to take half or a quarter of the dosage?

For those who want to try the product but haven't used similar products before.

  1. Does the dosage of the product affect the weight loss result?

For severely obese individuals, if one pill doesn't show effects, they can increase the dosage to a maximum of 3 pills per day.

  1. Can the product be taken on an empty stomach? Should it be taken before or after meals?

It is not recommended for individuals with stomach pain to take it on an empty stomach. It is advised to take it half an hour after meals for those without stomach pain. Drinking plenty of water, preferably warm water, is recommended after taking the product.

  1. Can individuals with stomach sensitivity and gastrointestinal problems take the product?

For those taking medication, it is recommended to take the medication four hours before taking the product.

  1. If adverse reactions such as bloating, stomach pain, or excessive burping occur after taking the product, should it be stopped immediately?

Yes, take a break, adjust, and resume usage.

  1. Is it necessary to increase daily water intake after taking the product?

After taking the product, it is recommended to drink 2500 to 3500 ml of water per day. Consuming 3000 ml or more per day (based on individual conditions) can help speed up metabolism, and drinking warm water is preferable.

  1. How can water intake be calculated?

Average daily water intake for the body is between 2000-3000 ml. It can be adjusted based on age and weight using formulas provided.

If an individual tends to sweat a lot or works in a hot environment, the daily water intake limit can be increased to 3500ml.

For individuals under 30 years old: Body weight (kg) × 40 = Daily water requirement (ml) For individuals aged between 30 and 55: Body weight (kg) × 35 = Daily water requirement (ml) For individuals older than 55: Body weight (kg) × 30 = Daily water requirement (ml)

Example: If a 20-year-old female weighs 45 kilograms, the calculation would be 45 × 40 = 1800ml. Therefore, her daily water intake should be 1800 milliliters. Please use the appropriate formula based on age and weight to calculate water intake.

  1. Is it advisable to stop using the product during the menstrual period? Why is it not recommended to take it during menstruation?

It is generally recommended to start taking the product after the menstrual period or from the 3rd to 4th day when menstrual flow is reduced. Menstrual periods are times when the body detoxifies, and taking weight loss products during this time may result in the product being treated as toxins and expelled from the body, leading to less noticeable effects.

  1. Will discontinuing the product lead to rebound effects?

SOSM Day Booster is made from natural ingredients, and stopping it will not result in rebound effects. To maintain the achieved weight loss, continuous usage is recommended, coupled with controlled diet and good lifestyle habits.

  1. Is it normal to experience a weight loss plateau during product usage?

Yes, it's normal. When starting a weight loss journey, the initial loss is often water weight and glycogen. Once these are depleted, the body starts burning fat, leading to more gradual weight loss.

  1. Can pregnant or breastfeeding women take the product?

Pregnant and breastfeeding women are not recommended to take weight loss products, as it can affect the baby through breastfeeding.

  1. Who are not suitable candidates for the product (e.g., diabetic patients on medication, hypertensive patients, heart disease patients)?

Severely ill patients, especially those with serious conditions like diabetes, hypertension, or heart disease, are not recommended to take the product.

  1. What is the recommended age group for taking the product?

It is suitable for adults who want to lose weight, including working professionals, those with large appetites, and those who are overweight (18 years and above).

  1. Are there any dietary restrictions when taking the product?

It is advisable to reduce the intake of spicy, high-oil, high-salt, and high-carb foods while taking the product. Drinking plenty of warm water is recommended.

  1. Can the product be taken together with other detox or meal replacement products?

It is not advisable to take them simultaneously; there should be a time gap between them. Combining SOSM Day Booster with other SOM1 products can achieve better results.

  1. Can people with drug sensitivity take the product?

SOSM Day Booster is a weight loss product with natural ingredients and does not contain drugs. Consultation with a doctor regarding drug sensitivity is recommended.

  1. What lifestyle changes are recommended when taking the product (e.g., sleep duration, exercise)?

Reducing late-night activities, avoiding high-oil, high-salt, and high-carb foods, drinking plenty of water, and incorporating exercise are recommended for better results. Drinking warm water is preferable.

  1. Are the product ingredients derived from natural extracts?

Yes, all ingredients are derived from natural sources.

  1. What are the main ingredients of the product, and where do they come from?

The main ingredients include ElimREAL® (Europe), African Mango (Europe), Gymnema Sylvestre (India), COQ10, Bitter Orange (Africa), and Marine fucone®30 (Japan). The product also recently added Marine fucone®30 to assist in eliminating stubborn fat.

  1. Can the product be taken with other foods (e.g., milk, sparkling water)?

Yes, it can be taken with other foods or beverages.

  1. Are there any side effects when taking the product?

SOSM Day Booster is made from natural extracts and does not contain hormones or synthetic drugs, reducing the likelihood of side effects.

  1. Under what conditions can the product achieve optimal results? Is exercise necessary?

Combining the product with exercise, a balanced diet, and a healthy lifestyle can accelerate the achievement of weight loss goals. Drinking plenty of warm water can enhance metabolism.

  1. Does taking the product increase heart rate? Does it cause nausea, dry mouth, or thirst? Why?

Taking SOSM Day Booster enhances metabolism, leading to increased blood circulation and a feeling similar to exercising. These symptoms are normal, and drinking warm water can alleviate them.

  1. What is the principle behind taking this product for weight loss (meal replacement/SOSM Day Booster/SOSM Night Booster)?

SOSM Day Booster has added Marine fucone®30 to help eliminate stubborn fat, reduce abdominal fat, prevent fat accumulation, improve constipation, and inhibit weight gain and visceral fat, as supported by clinical studies.

  1. What certifications does the product have, and is it safe (NPRA/BKKM/SGS/GMP/HACCP)?

The product has certifications such as COA, HALVEC, SGS, MADS, and NPRA. Certifications like KKM and HALAL are pending and expected to be obtained soon.

  1. How many days on average before results can be seen?

Results can be seen in about two weeks on average. A full course typically lasts 2-3 months.

  1. Does the product target specific areas for weight loss, or is it overall? Which area shows results first?

SOSM Day Booster aims for overall weight loss, with more noticeable results in areas with more fat accumulation.

  1. Are there any specific precautions to be aware of when taking the product?

For better results, adjusting to healthy lifestyle habits and routines is recommended. Avoiding late nights, adopting smaller, more frequent meals, and avoiding binge eating or extreme dieting are beneficial.

  1. Will taking the product cause breast contraction or reduction?

SOSM Day Booster is a health product designed to assist in developing an easily maintainable slim physique. It will not cause sudden breast reduction.

  1. What sets the product's USP/marketing (time, ingredients, principles) apart from others?

SOSM Day Booster is a natural appetite control health supplement. It is easy to carry, making it convenient to take anywhere like candy. It not only aids weight loss but also helps in maintaining a healthy stomach. It stands out with its unique composition of exclusive patented ingredients and five active components, promoting healthy fat reduction.


  1. Who is not suitable for taking the product?

The product is not suitable for individuals with thyroid issues, enlarged goiters, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, those recovering from childbirth (postpartum), cancer patients (not recommended), uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, children, individuals who have suffered a stroke, paralyzed individuals, and tumor patients.

  1. Can individuals with kidney issues take SOSM Day Booster?

All three SOSM products can be consumed without affecting kidney function. It is advised to reduce salty foods in the diet.


  1. Is SOSM Day Booster Gluten-Free?

Yes, SOSM Day Booster is gluten-free. Foods such as seeds, nuts, meat, eggs, low-fat dairy products, fruits, and vegetables are naturally gluten-free.


  1. Can individuals who have had a stroke take SOSM Day Booster?

It is recommended that customers with existing health conditions consult their regular doctors first. It would be advisable to provide the ingredient list to their doctors for consultation, as doctors are more familiar with their specific medical conditions.


  1. Can SOSM Day Booster be taken together with breast enhancement products?

Yes, it can. It is recommended to take them together, with a suggested interval of 1-2 hours.

  1. Can individuals with COVID-19 (covid) take SOSM Day Booster?

No, they cannot. It is recommended to resume taking it after recovering from COVID-19.

  1. Can SOSM Day Booster be taken together with other meal replacement products?

Yes, it can. This does not interfere with the effectiveness of SOSM Day Booster.

  1. Does SOSM Day Booster contain steroid components?

No, SOSM Day Booster does not contain steroid components.

  1. Can individuals taking contraceptive pills also take SOSM Day Booster?

Yes, they can. Taking contraceptive pills does not affect the effectiveness of SOSM Day Booster.

  1. Why does taking SOSM Day Booster lead to insomnia?

SOSM Day Booster promotes metabolism. Insomnia is a temporary adjustment period as the metabolism improves, facilitating the better elimination of body fat and toxins. This is a normal phase, and it will improve over time. Insufficient daytime calorie intake can also contribute to insomnia. During the use of the product, it's important to have regular meals and an adequate calorie intake to avoid insomnia.

  1. To lose 1kg, it normally requires burning 7700kcal. Many examples of SOSM Day Booster users show losing 3-5kg in a month with an average daily caloric deficit of 1200kcal. Wouldn't this lead to a situation of underfeeding or insufficient energy to meet the basal metabolic rate?

No, it won't. The principle behind SOSM Day Booster is to enhance metabolism and filter out toxins from the body. Initial rapid weight loss is common among individuals who are initially overweight or obese because they have a higher initial content of fat, toxins, and water in their bodies. This is a normal response and does not lead to underfeeding or insufficient energy.

  1. How long should one wait after taking other health supplements before taking SOSM Day Booster?

It is recommended to wait 2-3 hours before taking SOSM Day Booster after consuming other health supplements.

  1. Can individuals with Mediterranean anemia (Thalassemia) take SOSM Day Booster?

Yes, they can. It does not affect individuals with Mediterranean anemia.

  1. Can individuals with Vitiligo take SOSM Day Booster?

It is not recommended for individuals with Vitiligo as it is a chronic autoimmune disease.

  1. Can customers taking medications for depression/anxiety use SOSM Day Booster?

Yes, they can. It is advisable to take SOSM Day Booster with a four-hour interval.

  1. Can customers with Vitiligo take SOSM Day Booster?

Vitiligo is a skin disease. If the customer is under long-term medical supervision, it is advisable to consult a doctor before use.

  1. Can customers with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) take SOSM Day Booster?

It is recommended to consult a doctor first to determine if using a weight loss product is suitable for individuals with PCOS.

  1. If someone feels uncomfortable with a fast heartbeat after taking SOSM Day Booster, can you identify the reason?

Because SOSM Day Booster burns fat, it's like a substitute for exercise. Accelerated heartbeat and thirst are normal reactions. Everyone's constitution is different, and the adjustment period varies, so these conditions may just occur more slowly for some individuals.

  1. Can individuals who have received the nine-valent vaccine take SOSM Day Booster?

Yes, they can. It does not affect them.

  1. Can individuals with G6PD deficiency take SOSM Day Booster?

If they are not taking medication, they can take SOSM Day Booster.

  1. What is the difference between BMI and body fat? How is body fat calculated?

Body fat refers to the percentage of fat in the body. BMI is an index based on height and weight. BMI can be calculated using a BMI calculator, which is available through weight scale apps or online BMI calculators.

  1. Why do some customers find SOSM Day Booster a bit bitter? What is the reason/principle?

Because the product contains bitter orange, so a bit of bitterness is normal.

  1. Can Muslim customers take SOSM Day Booster?

Yes, they can. We produce it in a halal-certified factory. However, the halal certification for SOSM Day Booster is currently in the application process.

  1. Can SOSM Day Booster be taken after a miscarriage without having a postpartum confinement period?

No, it is not allowed. You must wait 2-3 weeks before taking SOSM Day Booster.

  1. Why does the tongue feel a bit numb after taking SOSM Day Booster?

It is recommended to swallow SOSM Day Booster with water or chew it before swallowing. Do not keep it in the mouth or let it linger for too long.

  1. Does SOSM Day Booster contain caffeine?

No, SOSM Day Booster does not contain caffeine.

  1. Can individuals undergoing artificial insemination/taking ovulation-inducing injections take SOSM Day Booster?

It is not recommended for those undergoing artificial insemination or taking ovulation-inducing injections.

  1. Why can't thyroid patients take SOSM Day Booster?

The thyroid is a crucial regulator of the balance of various organs and systems in the body. If thyroid function is disrupted, it can lead to thyroid disorders, affecting body temperature, weight, bowel movements, and various organs and systems, leading to chronic diseases. Therefore, it is not advisable for customers with thyroid issues to take SOSM Day Booster.

  1. How long should one pause before trying to conceive after taking SOSM Day Booster?

A pause of 1-2 weeks is recommended.

  1. Does SOSM Day Booster oxidize easily when opened every day?

No, it does not. After each use, make sure to close it tightly and store it in a cool place to prevent oxidation.

  1. Can SOSM Day Booster be taken on an airplane?

Yes, it can. SOSM is a health supplement, not a medication.

  1. Can individuals allergic to berries take SOSM Day Booster?

It is not recommended because SOSM Day Booster contains main ingredients such as blackcurrant and blackberry.

  1. Can SOSM Day Booster be taken with Cocomax?

Yes, they can be taken together. For example, take Cocomax one day and SOSM Day Booster the next day, alternating between them.

  1. Can vegetarians take SOSM Day Booster?

Yes, they can. Our product is made from natural fruits and vegetables.

