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【8 Major Taboos for Fat Loss】


【8 Major Taboos for Fat Loss】

(Here might be the reasons why you can't lose weight)

1. Only Eating Boiled Vegetables

Boiled vegetables lack oil, and fat is an important component of the human body.

Not consuming oil for a long time can affect our metabolism and cause constipation.

Boiled vegetables are not tasty, making it hard to stick to this diet and easily leading to binge eating.

Moreover, boiled vegetables are usually leafy greens,

which are cold in nature and not friendly to women with cold hands and feet.

2. Eating Only Vegetables and No Meat

Protein is one of the three major nutrients of the body, and meat is a primary source of protein.

Protein helps maintain normal body function and promotes normal metabolism.

Meat also has a strong satiety effect, which can effectively reduce food intake.

What makes us fat is not meat or oil, but sugar.

3. Replacing Dinner with Fruit

Fruits contain a high amount of fructose, which is more easily absorbed

and converted into fat than starch-based foods with the same caloric content.

This is not beneficial for weight loss and can easily lead to hunger, causing you to eat more.

4. Not Eating Carbohydrates for a Long Time

Carbohydrates, as one of the three indispensable elements for the human body, are the most economical and primary energy source.

Not eating carbohydrates for a long time can reduce muscle mass, lower metabolism, and affect hormone levels.

Women may experience hair loss and irregular menstrual cycles.

5. Exercising a Lot Without Controlling Intake

In the process of losing fat, we must first control our diet.

Exercise only increases calorie consumption to create a calorie deficit, whereas controlling diet directly reduces calorie intake.

Dieting for weight loss is much more effective than exercising.

Eating a large bag of chips, a piece of cake, fried chicken, and a cup of milk tea won't help you lose weight, even if you exercise until you cry.

6. Long-Term Constipation

The human intestinal tract can hold 1-15 kilograms of waste.

Bowel movements are the main way to expel toxins from the body.

Constipation prevents the expulsion of waste, affecting fat metabolism.

Accumulated waste can lead to weight gain and slow down fat loss.

People on a diet are prone to constipation due to eating less, not consuming oil, and having a monotonous diet.

7. Believing More Sweating Leads to Faster Weight Loss

Many people think that the more they sweat, the faster the fat burns, and the better the weight loss effect.

However, there is no significant causal relationship between the amount of sweating and weight loss.

Saunas, sunbathing, and sweating in the heat cannot help with weight loss.

Only reaching the fat-burning heart rate can efficiently burn fat.

8. Starving with Daily Intake Below Basal Metabolism

Short-term starvation might show obvious results, but the body is smart.

If you consume too little for a long time, your body will activate a self-protection mechanism, reducing calorie consumption to maintain normal operations.

With lower calorie consumption, you naturally won't lose weight.

Moreover, once you eat a little more, your body will store a lot of fat to avoid the next famine, so starvation diets easily cause rebound weight gain.

