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【Quietly Grow Your Hair Back in a Month】


【Quietly Grow Your Hair Back in a Month】

1. Regulate Your Schedule

Ensure to sleep early and wake up early. Heading to bed before 11 PM

is advisable since staying up late can exacerbate hair loss.

Rising around six to seven in the morning aligns with the ascending yang energy, promoting healthy hair growth.

Lazing in bed disrupts this energy flow, potentially leading to grogginess and headaches due to excessive sleep.

Those who can afford it may take a nap between 12:30 and 1:30 PM.

2. Hair-Nourishing Foods

Black Foods: Black foods are kidney-nourishing in traditional Chinese medicine, and the kidneys are associated with hair health.

Incorporate black foods like black beans, black sesame seeds, black wolfberries, mulberries,

polygonal rhizome, and black fungus into your diet.

Blood and Qi-Nourishing Foods: Hair is considered an extension of the blood, 

so consume foods rich in qi and blood,such as red dates, gelatin, spinach, pork liver, and astragalus.

Liver-Nourishing Foods:

The liver stores blood, so consume foods that nourish the liver, including wolfberries,

chrysanthemum, cassia seed, bitter gourd, spinach, and bitter melon.

Spleen and Stomach-Nourishing Foods: The spleen and stomach are vital for the production of blood and qi.

Include foods like millet, white lentils, tangerine peel, poria, Chinese yam, and chestnuts in your diet.

3. Hair Care

Preparation Before Washing: Start by gently combing your hair to remove tangles, then thoroughly wet your hair.

Water Temperature: Keep the water temperature between 37-40 degrees Celsius.

Choice of Products: Use mild, non-irritating products,

such as amino acid-based or silicone-free shampoos and conditioners.

Shampoo Application: Apply shampoo to your hands or directly to the ends of your hair, lather,

and then massage it into your scalp using your fingertips, avoiding scratching with your nails.

Conditioning: Consider using hair masks, conditioners, or hair oils, following the instructions provided.

Drying: After gently squeezing excess water with a towel, avoid rubbing vigorously to prevent frizz.

Use a hairdryer on medium heat until your hair is partially or fully dry.

Combing: Avoid pulling or tugging your hair forcefully. Opt for a gentle cushioned brush and brush your hair around 200 strokes in the morning and evening to stimulate hair growth.

Sun Protection: Shield your scalp from direct sunlight when outdoors using a parasol or hat.

Regular Cleansing: Wash your hair 2-3 times a week to maintain scalp health, avoiding excessive washing, which can disrupt the scalp's natural balance and lead to increased oiliness.

Hair Accessories: Change your hair accessories regularly to prevent them from exerting prolonged pressure on specific areas, which can widen hair partings.

Avoid Tight Ponytails: Tight ponytails can strain the scalp and damage hair roots. Opt for looser styles, particularly if you frequently tie your hair.

These steps, when followed consistently, can contribute to healthier hair growth within a month.

