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【Skin Care Tips For Different Skin Types】


【Skin Care Tips For Different Skin Types】

1. Dry Skin:

   - Sebum secretion is low, tends to be dry, and feels tight after washing.
   - Delicate and thin skin, prone to pigmentation and fine lines, aging.
   - Can be categorized into two types: lacking water or lacking oil.

Skincare Focus:
   - Mainly to maintain a balance between water and oil, replenish moisture, oil, and collagen.

Skincare Steps:

Morning: Cleanser, toner, serum, lotion, sunscreen.

Evening: Makeup remover, cleanser, mask, eye cream, serum, lotion, cream.

Eye Cream: Dry skin under the eyes tends to be dry and flaky, so eye products can be used earlier. For individuals younger than 22, focus on basic moisturizing; for those over 23, incorporate eye products with anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, and firming effects.

Masks: If daily basic moisturizing is done well, applying hydrating masks 2-3 times a week is sufficient. Excessive keratin layers can lead to overhydration.

Exfoliation: Dry skin should not be exfoliated frequently. Once a month is suitable. To avoid over-cleansing, focus on the T-zone. You can incorporate gentle acids like salicylic acid and fruit acids into the skincare routine to regulate sebum secretion and address issues like blackheads and closed comedones.

2. Oily Skin:

   - Excessive sebum secretion, enlarged pores, dull complexion with oiliness.
   - Prone to acne, blackheads, acne, pigmentation, and scars.
   - Less prone to aging and wrinkles.

Skincare Focus:
   - Focus on cleansing and oil control, regulating the skin's water-oil balance.

Skincare Steps:

Morning: Cleanser, toner, serum, lotion, sunscreen.

Evening: Makeup remover, cleanser, mask, eye cream, serum, lotion, cream

Cleansing: Use a cleanser with moderate cleansing power in the morning and one with good cleansing power but not drying at night.

Lotion/Cream: Choose moisturizers with good hydration and easy absorption for the summer; choose moisturizing lotions and creams that are not greasy for the winter.

Masks: 1-2 times a week is enough. Focus on basic moisturizing daily.

Exfoliation: 1-2 times a week in summer, once a week or once every two weeks in winter.

3. Combination Skin:

   - T-zone is oily with enlarged pores, while cheeks tend to be normal or oily.
   - Prone to blackheads, whiteheads, and pore blockages.
   - Experiences oily T-zone in summer and dry T-zone in winter.

Skincare Focus:
   - Use effective oil-controlling products for different areas and focus on hydration.

Skincare Steps:

Morning: Cleanser, toner, serum, lotion, sunscreen.

Evening: Makeup remover, cleanser, mask, toner, eye cream, lotion, cream.

Toner/Lotion: Choose different skincare products based on the season and different areas of the face.

Masks: Incorporate masks into the skincare routine regularly, 1-2 times a week is enough. Focus on basic moisturizing daily.

Exfoliation: Reduce the frequency of masks and exfoliation. Especially during sensitive periods, avoid exfoliation temporarily, as it may exacerbate sensitivity. Focus on daily moisturizing and gentle cleansing.

4. Sensitive Skin

   - Thin, naturally fragile skin with little elasticity.
   - Prone to flaking, redness, or visible blood vessels on the cheeks.
   - Easily becomes red and develops hives, swelling, itching, and other allergic reactions during seasonal changes or exposure to hot or cold temperatures.

Skincare Focus:
   - Gentle skincare, repair, anti-inflammatory care, and various irritations and damage prevention.

Skincare Steps:

Morning: Cleanser, toner, lotion, cream, sunscreen.

Evening: Makeup remover, cleanser, mask, eye cream, repair essence, lotion.

Skincare: Repair the skin barrier, and streamline the skincare routine. During particularly sensitive periods, daily skincare can be simplified to makeup removal, gentle cleansing, toning, moisturizer/cream, and daytime sunscreen. Maintain a healthy, light diet, and good sleep.

Masks/Exfoliation: Try to reduce the frequency of masks and exfoliation. During particularly sensitive periods, temporarily avoid exfoliation, as it may exacerbate sensitivity.

Focus on daily moisturizing and gentle cleansing. Avoid excessive skincare.

