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【10 Bad Habits for Washing Hair】


【10 Bad Habits for Washing Hair】

1. Washing without Combing First

Combing your hair before washing it is like removing makeup before cleansing your face.

It allows dirt and grime on the scalp to surface, leading to a better cleansing effect.

2. Pouring Shampoo Directly onto the Scalp

Pouring shampoo directly onto the hair can cause chemical buildup on the scalp through friction,

potentially leading to abnormal hair loss over time.

It's better to apply shampoo to the ends of the hair first, lather it up, and then move to the scalp.

3. Using Water That's Too Hot

Water that's too hot can damage the hair follicles, and the water temperature during hair washing shouldn't remain constant.

It's advisable to start with slightly warmer water to wet the hair, then lower the temperature for the final rinse.

4. Washing Hair Without Fully Wetting It

Before washing your hair, make sure it's thoroughly wet. The water temperature can be slightly warmer and then massage with your fingertips. Only when the hair is fully wet can the heat open the pores, allowing dirt on the scalp to be washed away.

5. Using Conditioner Last

Using conditioner after washing is not effective.

Before washing your hair, apply a little conditioner to the ends to make the washing process smoother and less tangled.

This reduces irritation caused by washing and naturally reduces hair loss.

6. Washing Hair Too Frequently

Even if you're experiencing severe hair loss, it's important to maintain a normal hair-washing frequency.

Washing your hair can clean the hair follicles and reduce hair loss, but the technique should be gentle.

Most hair falls out before washing, and washing simply helps it slip out.

7. Combing Hair When It's Still Wet

It's recommended to comb your hair before washing it. After washing, either blow-dry your hair or let it air-dry completely before combing. Combing hair before it's fully dry can damage the hair's not-yet-closed cuticle layer.

8. Blow-drying Hair from the Ends First

When blow-drying, dry the roots first, then the ends. This makes the hair tougher and less prone to breakage.

Dry the roots first before moving on to the ends.

9. Sleeping with Wet Hair

Blow-dry your hair before going to bed, making sure both the roots and ends are completely dry.

Sleeping with wet hair can cause hair loss due to friction and can also make the hair dry out.

Over time, it may even lead to chronic headaches and worsen dampness.

10. Going Out Immediately After Washing Hair

It's best to stay indoors for a while after washing your hair because exposure to UV rays can thin the cuticle layer and make hair more prone to split ends and breakage.

