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20 Small Habits to Boost Metabolism and Foster a Lean Body


20 Small Habits to Boost Metabolism and Foster a Lean Body

Common Signs of Poor Metabolism

1. Eating less doesn't lead to weight loss; gain weight easily when eating more.
2. Thirsty, often experiencing dry mouth.
3. Rough skin, enlarged pores, dull complexion.
4. Excess belly fat, thick thighs, loose muscles.
5. Feeling heavy, dislikes physical activity, easily fatigued.
6. Cold hands and feet, feeling weak and cold, poor sweating.
7. Irregular menstruation, light flow, menstrual cramps.
8. Irregular bowel movements, constant feeling of bloating.

How to Test Metabolism Level

1. Weigh yourself before bedtime.
2. Weigh yourself again upon waking the next day.
3. Subtract morning weight from evening weight.

(Do not use the restroom or drink water before weighing)

Values between 0.8-1.6 indicate normal metabolism.
Values below 0.8 indicate slow metabolism.
Nearly identical values suggest difficulty in losing weight.

20 Methods to Improve Metabolism

1. Avoid drastic calorie reduction.
2. Never skip breakfast.
3. Increase protein intake.
4. Eat more frequently.
5. Consume good carbohydrates.
6. Quit drinking alcohol.
7. Consume more dairy products.
8. Eat spicy foods.
9. Strengthen muscle training.
10. Engage in High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).
11. Benefit from segmented fitness routines.
12. Eat more bananas.
13. Exercise regularly.
14. Ensure sufficient sleep.
15. Relax and reduce stress.
16. Drink green tea regularly.
17. Consume more seafood.
18. Vary exercise routines frequently.
19. Supplement iron.
20. Check thyroid function.

Foods that Accelerate Metabolism

1. Black coffee (reduces swelling).
2. Asian pear (detoxifies and reduces swelling).
3. Tea (lowers blood sugar).
4. Grapefruit (boosts immunity).
5. Tremella fungus (detoxifies and burns fat).
6. Winter melon (breaks down fat).


