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【What 8 Hair Types Lack】


【What 8 Hair Types Lack】

Different hair types, finally found out what they lack!!

Hair is like this because it's lacking these things!

Have you ever experienced this: your hair is yellowish, no matter how you wash it, it just won't get clean?

Or your hair is so thin, like a desert, and every time you wash it, a bunch falls out?

Don't worry, today I'll tell you, these problems may all be because you lack certain nutrients!

1. Yellow hair, lacking protein

Protein is the main component of hair. Lacking protein is like building a house without bricks, 

naturally resulting in yellow hair.

Solution: Eat more fish, meat, beans, and other foods rich in protein to make your hair shine again!

For example, salmon, tofu, and soybeans are all good choices!

2. Thin hair, lacking vitamin A

If you find your hair getting thinner, it may be because you lack vitamin A.

Vitamin A helps the normal growth of scalp cells.

Solution: Eat more carrots, spinach, pumpkin,

and other foods rich in vitamin A to help scalp cells grow normally.

Remember, a healthy lifestyle brings beautiful hair!

3. More white hair, lacking folic acid

Having more white hair may be due to a lack of folic acid. Folic acid helps scalp blood circulation, lacking it can lead to white hair.

Solution: Eat more green leafy vegetables, beans, nuts, and other foods rich in folic acid.

For example, spinach, beans, and nuts are all good choices!

Also, maintaining a happy mood and avoiding excessive stress is key to preventing white hair.

4. Excessive hair loss, lacking lecithin

Many female friends are troubled by hair loss.

Lecithin helps the normal metabolism of scalp cells, lacking it can lead to hair loss.

Solution: Eat more egg yolk, fish head, beans, and other foods rich in lecithin.

For example, eggs and fish heads are good choices!

Also, avoid frequent dyeing, perming, and other scalp-damaging behaviors, which are key to preventing hair loss.

5. Lots of dandruff, split ends are due to lack of vitamin B2

If you find you have a lot of dandruff or your hair is prone to split ends, it may be because you lack vitamin B2.

Solution: Eat more animal liver, egg yolk, dairy products, and other foods rich in vitamin B2.

For example, pig liver and egg yolk are good choices!

Also, pay attention to keeping the scalp clean, avoiding excessive combing and hair dyeing, which damage the scalp.

6. Dry hair, lacking moisture and moisturizing ingredients

If your hair is always dry and frizzy, it may be because you lack moisture and moisturizing ingredients.

Solution: Drink more water, eat more foods rich in moisturizing ingredients, such as honey, milk, yogurt, etc.

Also, choose moisturizing shampoo and conditioner,

regularly do deep conditioning treatments to keep your hair hydrated and smooth.

7. Weak hair, lacking protein and vitamin C

If your hair is prone to breakage and weakness, it may be because you lack protein and vitamin C.

Solution: Eat more fish, meat, beans, and other foods rich in protein, as well as citrus fruits, strawberries, red peppers, and other foods rich in vitamin C.

Also, avoid frequent perming, dyeing, and other behaviors that damage the hair, to maintain the health of your hair.

8. Scalp problems, lacking zinc and vitamin B

If your scalp is often oily and prone to acne, it may be because you lack zinc and vitamin B.

Solution: Eat more oysters, nuts, whole wheat bread, and other foods rich in zinc, as well as green leafy vegetables, beans, and other foods rich in vitamin B complex.

Also, keep the scalp clean, avoid squeezing pimples with your hands, and reduce the risk of scalp infection.

