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Lesser-Known Facts About Hair


Lesser-Known Facts About Hair

Does pouring shampoo directly on your head cause hair loss?

It is generally recommended to lather the shampoo first before applying it to your hair.

This allows for a cleaner wash and prevents residue from sticking to your scalp, ensuring thorough rinsing.

However, directly applying shampoo does not cause hair loss; it just might not clean as effectively.

Hair needs sun protection too

Sun protection for hair is often mentioned in hair care discussions because ultraviolet (UV) rays

are one of the biggest enemies of both hair and scalp.

UV rays can "steal" moisture from your hair, making it look dull.

Overexposure to the sun can make hair yellow, fragile, and dry.

Long hair doesn't compete with your body for nutrients

Each hair strand consists of a follicle, root, and shaft.

When we talk about hair growth, we refer to the lengthening of the hair shaft, which does not metabolize or consume nutrients.

Only the follicles, which undergo metabolism, consume a minimal amount of nutrients.

This does not correlate with the length of your hair.

Oily hair might be due to mites

People often think of bedding when it comes to mites, but mites also live on the scalp.

These lipid-loving micro-organisms, like genetic factors or hormonal imbalances, can be a cause of hair loss.

Therefore, washing your hair frequently and keeping your scalp clean is important.

Changing your pillowcases regularly is also crucial. Additionally, avoid sharing personal items like combs.

Yellow hair ≠ malnutrition

Hair color is related to the pigments within hair follicles and is determined by genetics, similar to skin color.

Parents might worry if their child's hair is sparse and yellow, but this does not necessarily indicate a lack of nutrients.

These characteristics can change as the child grows.

Regular trimming does not accelerate hair growth

Trimming hair only removes split ends and broken tips; it does not directly promote hair growth.

Hair growth speed is mainly influenced by factors such as genetics, health status, and diet.

On average, a normal person’s hair can grow about 1 to 2 centimeters per month.

